Jubaland President Ahmed Madobe Visits Recently Liberated Bula Haji


KISMAYO, Somalia – Ahmed Madobe, the president of Jubaland, made an unannounced visit to Bula Haji town near Kismayo, the capital of the Lower Juba region on Tuesday.


The visit comes just days after the village was liberated from the control of the Al-Shabaab militant group, which had been in control of the area for over a decade.

During his visit, President Madobe addressed the local residents, promising them that there would be “no return” of the Al-Shabaab militants to the village. He also pledged that his administration would deliver basic services, including health and education, to the residents of Bula Haji.

The liberation of Bula Haji is a significant victory in the ongoing fight against Al-Shabaab in Somalia. The village, located approximately 80 kilometers southwest of Kismayo, had been under the control of the militant group for many years, causing untold suffering to its residents.

The visit by President Madobe is seen as a sign of the government’s commitment to ensuring the security and well-being of its citizens. It also sends a strong message to Al-Shabaab that the government is determined to rid the country of its presence.

The liberation of Bula Haji is part of a larger effort by the Somali government, with the support of international partners, to defeat Al-Shabaab and restore peace and stability to the country. The government has been conducting military operations against the militant group in various parts of the country, with significant gains being made in recent months.

The visit by President Madobe to Bula Haji is a testament to the resilience of the Somali people and their determination to build a better future for themselves.

It is also a reminder of the challenges that lie ahead in the fight against terrorism and the need for continued support from the international community.


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