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Dowladda Soomaaliya oo cambaareysay hub ay Itoobiya soo gelisay gudaha dalka

MUQDISHO (SMN) - Wasaaradda Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga ee XFS Soomaaliya, ayaa si kulul u cambaareysay hub iyo saanad ciidan oo ka timid...

Somalia: Several mortar rounds land around Mogadishu airport

Mogadishu, Somalia - In the early hours of Thursday night, reports confirmed that multiple mortar rounds impacted the vicinity of the heavily fortified Halane...

New Somali ambassador to Washington presents his credentials to US President

Washington, D.C. –  U.S. President Joe Biden on Wednesday received the credentials of Dahir Hassan Arab, Somalia's newly appointed ambassador, at the White House,...