Jubbaland Voices Concerns Over worsening security amid ATMIS Withdrawal


KISMAYOM, Somalia – Jubbaland Security Minister General Yusuf Hussein Osman (Dhumal) has expressed his concern regarding the security situation of the administration in the event of the withdrawal of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) forces operating in Jubbaland.


During his tour of parts of the Gedo region, Dhumal emphasized the importance of having adequate security forces to replace ATMIS and ensure the safety of the region.

“We are currently making plans to replace ATMIS, and we need the support of the people and the central government to cooperate with us in the fight against Al-Shabaab in the Jubbaland areas,” said Dhumal. The minister’s statement comes at a critical time as the Kenyan and Ethiopian forces, which are currently operating specifically in the Juba and Gedo regions, have transferred their bases in those regions as part of the plan to withdraw ATMIS forces by the end of 2024.

The withdrawal of ATMIS forces presents a significant challenge to the security of Jubbaland, as the region has been a hotbed of conflict and instability due to the presence of Al-Shabaab militants.

The success of the plan to replace ATMIS with sufficient security forces is crucial in maintaining peace and stability in the region.

Dhumal’s call for cooperation from the people and the central government highlights the importance of a united front in the fight against terrorism.

The support of the local population and the central government is essential in ensuring the effectiveness of the security forces in combating Al-Shabaab and maintaining peace in the region.

In conclusion, the Jubbaland Security Minister’s concerns over the security situation in the event of the withdrawal of ATMIS forces are well-founded.

The success of the plan to replace ATMIS with adequate security forces will be crucial in maintaining peace and stability in Jubbaland and the broader Somali region.


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