Strengthening Governance through South-to-South Exchange: A Study Tour on Functional Unbundling and Devolution


NAIROBI, Kenya  – In an exciting two-week study tour on functional unbundling and devolution of government systems, officials from various institutions in Somalia engaged in a fruitful exchange of ideas with their counterparts in Kenya.


The Somali Embassy in Kenya held a dinner in honor of the #Somalia delegates and Kenyan officials who facilitated the study tour, marking the successful conclusion of the event.

During their time in Kenya, the Somali participants engaged in high-level discussions with key stakeholders from Kenya, including representatives from the State Department for Devolution, the Council of Governors, Kenya’s financial institutions, academics, and other pertinent agencies.

These discussions provided invaluable forums for dialogue, fostering the exchange of ideas and experiences that will undoubtedly contribute to Somalia’s journey towards full citizenship participation.

The study tour also addressed strategies for decentralizing governance and service delivery, bringing them closer to the communities they serve. This South-to-South exchange underscores a collaborative effort to promote effective governance and local community empowerment in the East Africa region.

The initiative, which took place from [start date] to [end date], aimed to provide Somali officials with a better understanding of Kenya’s successful implementation of functional unbundling and devolution.

This knowledge transfer is expected to inform the development of similar policies and practices in Somalia, ultimately leading to improved governance and service delivery.

The Somali delegates and Kenyan officials were joined by representatives from various sectors, including civil society organizations, private sector actors, and international development partners.

This diverse group of participants ensured a comprehensive and well-rounded discussion on the topic, with each stakeholder contributing their unique perspective and expertise.

Throughout the study tour, participants had the opportunity to visit various Kenyan institutions and learn about their experiences with functional unbundling and devolution.

These site visits allowed the delegates to gain first-hand knowledge of the challenges and successes encountered by their Kenyan counterparts, providing valuable insights for the development of similar policies in Somalia.

The closing ceremony, held at the Somali Embassy in Kenya, was attended by high-level officials from both countries, including the Somali Ambassador to Kenya and the Kenyan Principal Secretary for Devolution.

The ceremony provided an opportunity for participants to reflect on the learnings and experiences gained during the study tour and to discuss future collaboration opportunities between the two countries.

The successful conclusion of the study tour marks a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to strengthen governance and promote local community empowerment in the East Africa region.

The knowledge and experiences shared during the two-week event are expected to contribute to the development of more effective and inclusive governance systems in Somalia, ultimately benefiting the country’s citizens and fostering greater regional cooperation.

The study tour was organized by the Somali Embassy in Kenya, in collaboration with the Council of Governors and other relevant Kenyan institutions. The event was made possible through the generous support of the [funding organization], which provided financial and logistical assistance to ensure the success of the initiative.

As the Somali delegates return to their home country, armed with new knowledge and experiences, they are expected to play a crucial role in shaping the future of governance and service delivery in Somalia.

The South-to-South exchange has undoubtedly laid a strong foundation for continued collaboration and mutual learning between Kenya and Somalia, fostering greater regional integration and sustainable development in the East Africa region.


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