US Warns Ethiopia Over Somaliland Maritime Deal, Urges Respect for Somalia’s Sovereignty


MOGADISHU, Somalia – The United States has issued a stern warning to Ethiopia over its violation of Somalia’s sovereignty through a controversial maritime agreement with Somaliland.


Molly Phee, the US assistant secretary of state for Africa, expressed deep concern over the agreement, which grants Ethiopia access to 20 kilometers of Somaliland’s coastline. Phee emphasized that Ethiopia has no right to infringe upon Somalia’s territorial integrity and called for a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

“Ethiopia must respect the sovereignty of its neighbors and use the seas of neighboring countries for commercial purposes, as allowed by international law,” Phee stated.

The memorandum of understanding, signed in January, has sparked outrage in Somalia, with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud urging the nation to “prepare for the defense of their motherland.” Demonstrations have erupted in Mogadishu and other cities, denouncing the agreement.

The United States and other global powers have reiterated their commitment to supporting Somalia’s federal government, which is responsible for resolving internal issues through dialogue, including the status of Somaliland.

Ethiopia and Somalia have a history of conflict, including a war in 1977-78 and Ethiopian military interventions in 2006. The current tensions pose a significant threat to stability in the already volatile Horn of Africa region.


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