Mogadishu Rocked by Mortar Attacks; Al-Shabaab Claims Responsibility 


MOGADISHU, Somalia — A series of mortar attacks struck several neighborhoods in Mogadishu late last night, causing widespread panic and damage across the city.


Reports confirm that mortars landed in the Hamarweyne, Wabari, and Yaqshid districts, leading to significant losses and destruction, according to the local villagers.

The sound of artillery reverberated through the capital, instilling fear among residents. However, according to a statement from the Somali Police, the explosions were the result of “plastic bags prepared by Al-Shabaab,” intended to create terror among the populace rather than cause direct harm.

The full extent of the casualties and damage is still under assessment, but local sources have indicated that emergency services are actively responding to the affected areas.

The attack underscores the ongoing security challenges in Somalia, where Al-Shabaab continues to pose a significant threat through such tactics aimed at destabilizing the region.


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