UN Assembly Sees Somalia Engage in Global Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance


New York, United States – During the United Nations General Assembly, a delegation from Somalia’s Ministry of Health, headed by Deputy Minister Dr. Mohamed Hassan Mohamed Bulaale and Director General Dr. Guled Abdijalil Sheikh Ali, engaged in discussions centered on the global health threat of antimicrobial resistance.


The assembly, presided over by Mr. Philemon Yang, adopted a comprehensive policy to tackle this issue, highlighting the urgency for international collaboration against resistance to crucial medical treatments.

Prominent figures such as UN Under-Secretary Mr. Amina and WHO Secretary-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom spoke on the dire need for unified action to protect future generations from the perils of antibiotic resistance.

Dr. Guled Abdijalil Sheikh Ali shared insights into Somalia’s ongoing efforts to curb this resistance, while Dr. Bulaale appealed for global support to strengthen Somalia’s health infrastructure.

The session concluded with a commitment from all participating nations to enact the new policy, marking a pivotal moment in the battle against antimicrobial resistance.


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