Al-Shabaab Prisoners Escape High-Security Prison in Puntland


GALKAYO, Somalia – In a startling turn of events, prisoners belonging to the Al-Shabaab militant group, who were awaiting execution, have escaped from a high-security prison in the city of Galkayo, located in the Puntland administration of Somalia.


The escapees were convicted of serious crimes including murders and bombings and were due to be executed after their sentences were handed down.

The circumstances surrounding their escape remain unclear, as the prisoners were held in a facility with stringent security measures. The incident has sparked concern and calls for a thorough investigation into the breach of security that allowed the prisoners to escape.

Abdiladief Muse Sanyare, a member of parliament and former governor of Mudug region in Puntland, expressed his dismay at the escape of the convicted terrorists. “It is deeply regrettable that murderers who were sentenced to death three years ago and were awaiting execution have managed to escape,” he stated. Sanyare has urged authorities to conduct a serious investigation to identify and bring to justice those responsible for the security lapse.

This is not the first time that Al-Shabaab prisoners have escaped from Galkayo prison. A similar incident occurred in mid-July 2022, raising questions about the effectiveness of security measures at the facility.

The escape comes at a critical time, coinciding with the visit of Puntland President Syed Abdullahi Deni to Galkayo. The timing of the escape has added to the urgency of addressing the security concerns and ensuring that such incidents do not recur in the future.

As authorities work to recapture the escaped prisoners and investigate the circumstances of their escape, the incident serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing security challenges faced by Puntland and the broader region in combating the threat posed by Al-Shabaab militants.


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