
Dhageyso: Warka Subax Ee Idaacadda Shabelle

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Dhageyso: Warka Subax Ee Idaacadda Shabelle

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Mogadishu Mayor Launches Annual Quran Recitation Contest

MOGADISHU, Somalia – The Mayor of Mogadishu and Governor of Banaadir Region, Mohamed Ahmed Amir, officially inaugurated the annual Quran Recitation Competition for Ramadan...

Mohamed Abdi Hassan Wins Seat 248 in Somalia’s Parliament

DHUUSAMAREEB, Somalia – The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission of Somalia held the election for the vacant Seat 248 in the House of the...

Dhuusamareeb: Doorashada Kursiga 248 oo Ku Guuleystay Maxamed Cabdi Xasan

DHUUSAMAREEB - Guddiga Madaxabannaan ee Doorashooyinka Qaranka iyo Soohdimaha ayaa Maanta, oo taariikhdu tahay 4-ta Maarso, ku qabtay magaalada Dhuusamareeb doorashada Kursiga 248...