Ethiopia Denies Cancelation of Somaliland Memorandum of Understanding


ADDIS ABABA – In a recent statement, the office of the Ethiopian Prime Minister has dismissed social media reports claiming that Ethiopia has decided to revoke the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed with Somaliland.


The statement labeled these reports as “fake content,” emphasizing that the MOU remains in effect.

The controversial agreement, which was signed on January 1, involves Somaliland leasing 20 kilometers of its sea territory to Ethiopia in exchange for recognition. Somaliland’s leaders have defended the MOU, citing the benefits it brings to their nation.

However, the deal has sparked significant backlash from Somalia, which views the MOU as a violation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The President of Somalia reiterated this week that while his government is open to granting Ethiopia commercial access to Somali waters, it will not tolerate the establishment of a naval base or the leasing of its sea territory.

The situation continues to be a source of tension in the Horn of Africa region, with the international community closely monitoring the developments.


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