Ethiopian Professor Predicts Somalia’s Fragmentation, Sees No Path to Unity


ADDIS ABABA – Professor Brook Hailu, in an interview on Ethiopian television, stated that the unity of Somalia is effectively shattered, with little hope for reunification. He highlighted the secession of Somaliland and Puntland’s move towards greater autonomy as indicative of the country’s fragmentation.


Professor Hailu, who has served in senior roles within the Ethiopian government and is rumored to advise Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, commented on the evolving political landscape in Somalia. “The country of Somalia is now divided, and it will continue to be divided. Somaliland is gone, and Puntland is following suit, aligning towards self-governance,” he asserted.

During the interview, Professor Hailu also discussed the implications of a defense agreement between Somalia and Egypt, which is set to bring Egyptian troops to Somalia under an African Union mission starting in January 2025. He pointed out the reluctance of Puntland and other regions to this deployment, suggesting it could further fuel secessionist sentiments.

He revealed historical attempts by Puntland to align with Ethiopia under previous administrations and predicted that within the next decade, another region of Somalia might declare independence, potentially aligning with Ethiopia or forming new alliances among the fragmenting states.

Professor Hailu’s comments reflect a deeply pessimistic view of Somalia’s future as a unified state, suggesting that regionalism and self-determination movements are gaining traction, possibly leading to the formation of new political entities or alliances within the Horn of Africa.


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