FESTU Urges Justice in Favori Case Over Workplace Rights Violations


MOGADISHU, Somalia – The Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU) has intensified its campaign against FAVORI Company, accusing it of ongoing and severe human and labor rights violations, including sexual harassment at Mogadishu’s international airport. FESTU said the company has blatantly ignored legal standards despite repeated warnings and evidence.


The focus of the controversy is Mr. Ertugrul Karafiyeli, FAVORI’s Head of Operations and Human Resources, who faces criminal charges for alleged sexual harassment and abuse. His arrest and the subsequent investigation have highlighted what FESTU describes as systemic abuses within the company.

FESTU demands that the case be treated with the utmost seriousness, insisting that the perpetrator be held accountable under Somali law and that it be in line with international labor standards. “There can be no leniency for such heinous acts,” the union stated, emphasizing the importance of upholding Somalia’s commitment to ILO Convention 190, which it ratified to combat workplace violence and harassment.

The union has pointed out that FAVORI’s disregard for the law is allegedly facilitated by certain senior government officials, who are accused of obstructing justice. FESTU has vowed to expose any official protecting the accused, calling for immediate accountability from national leadership.

Omar Faruk Osman, General Secretary of FESTU, commented, “This case symbolizes the systemic abuses allowed to fester within workplaces, where companies like FAVORI treat Somali workers with disdain and impunity. Our position is firm: no one is above the law. The time for excuses has passed. Those responsible for these violations must face justice.”

FESTU has also warned against any attempts to corrupt or suppress the judicial process, urging vigilance from both the judiciary and the public against any form of bribery or evidence tampering. “Justice must prevail,” Osman added, stressing the non-negotiable fight for the dignity and rights of Somali workers.

Read here the full FESTU statement.


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