Fighting between two factions within SNA erupts in Somali port city


MARKA (SMN) – A resident says a heavy battle between two rival sides within the Somali National Army [SNA] broke out in the southern port city of Marka on Monday morning.


The fighting came following a dispute over land ownership, according to the reports.

Both sides were reported to have suffered casualties, but so far the exact number remains unverified. A doctor at a local hospital said they received wounds from the battle zone.

The confrontation forced businesses to halt for moments and many people remained indoors as the warring sides used heavy and light weapons in their clash.

Marka which serves as the regional capital of Lower Shabelle has been the epicentre of clan rivalry for many years. It’s now under the Southwest state control with SNA in charge of security.

The once prosperous port city and surrounding area plunged into chaos, poverty, and anarchy. But after Al-Shabab was derived out, the residents said they enjoyed the dividends of peace. Life is back to normal: schools are open, business is booming, and people continue to return to the town.

The local authorities from the regional and district administration are yet to comment on the infighting which comes as SNA fighting against Al-Shabaab in the region, which borders Mogadishu, the Somali capital.


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