Fresh Airstrikes Target Al-Shabaab in Bakool Region


HUDUR, Somalia – Bakool region witnessed a series of airstrikes aimed at eliminating Al-Shabaab militants, who are posing a threat to Somalia and the Horn of Africa at large.


The attacks were carried out in the past few hours, targeting locations where Al-Shabaab was known to be present, according to Major Yonis Adan Hassan, the commander of the 9th Battalion of the National Army.

Major Hassan confirmed that the airstrikes successfully neutralized several members and officers of Al-Shabaab. He stated that the names of the deceased militants would be announced in due course.

The operation was conducted with the support of local people in the Mawisleyda area, who have been actively cooperating with the army to combat the extremist group.

The situation in the region remains tense, as heavy operations continue to take place in an effort to eradicate the presence of Al-Shabaab.

The government and local communities are working together to ensure the safety and security of the area, and further updates are expected as the situation develops.


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