James Swan Briefs UN Security Council on Somalia’s Progress and Challenges


NEW YORK – In a briefing to the United Nations Security Council, James Swan, the Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), highlighted Somalia’s ongoing efforts to achieve stability and security.


Swan commended the bravery and determination of Somali and African Union forces in their fight against Al-Shabaab, noting that Somalia’s Federal Government continues to prioritize key national objectives, including the constitutional review process and the fight against terrorism.

During his briefing, Swan emphasized that Somalia has made significant progress in its journey from conflict to recovery. He pointed out that Somalia’s election to the Security Council for the 2025-2026 term is a testament to the country’s progress over the past three decades.

Swan also expressed concern about the Ethiopia and “Somaliland” Memorandum of Understanding announced on January 1, which has created tensions in the Horn of Africa. He called for a peaceful resolution of the matter in accordance with the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity as enshrined in the UN Charter and international law.

Addressing the ongoing security situation, Swan noted that Somalia’s Federal Government is undertaking multi-faceted efforts to defeat Al-Shabaab. He also highlighted the importance of inclusive dialogue and broad-based consensus in building on issues of national priorities, including the preparations for upcoming one-person one-vote elections and the constitutional review process.

In conclusion, James Swan’s briefing to the UN Security Council highlighted Somalia’s progress and the challenges it faces as it works towards stability and security. Swan’s remarks underscored the international community’s commitment to supporting Somalia in its journey towards peace and development.


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