KDF jets bomb villages in Gedo amid intensified military operations


EL WAK (SMN) – The reports from the Gedo region indicate that KDF jets bombed several areas located in the vicinity of El Wak town, which sits on the Somalia-Kenya border.


The local residents confirmed to Radio Shabelle by phone that the fighter jets dropped missiles on Khadijo Hajji and Fahfahdhun, all controlled by Al-Shabaab militants.

The target was Al-Shabaab bases, but not clear if the local civilians suffered casualties as a result of the bombardment which comes amid intensified military operations in Somalia.

The Kenyan military is yet to release a statement regarding the shelling of the civilian areas in the Gedo region, which saw frequent attacks that killed dozens of villagers in the past.

The KDF is part of the AU mission in Somalia, serving in Jubaland state, where they are protecting Ahmed Madobe, leader of the regional state bases in the Kismayo port town.

The Kenyan forces face accusations of indiscriminate air bombing of civilian areas in Gedo, where many people lost their lives, infrastructure was destroyed, and dozens maimed.

KDF battling Al-Shabaab under the banner of ATMIS fired heavy artillery striking an Al-Shabaab base in a small town in Gedo, southwestern Somalia.

Kenya’s army has increased campaigns in the Gedo region, a region which is used by Al-Shabaab as a launching pad for most of their attacks targeting its territory, mainly north.


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