PM Hamza’s Address on Universal Access to Information Day in Somalia


MOGADISHU, Somalia – As Somalia joins the world in commemorating the International Day for Universal Access to Information, this year’s theme, “Mainstreaming Access to Information and Participation in the Public Sector.” Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre delivered a powerful message reinforcing his government’s unwavering commitment to transparency, accountability, and public involvement in governance.


In a statement, Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre highlighted the critical importance of access to information as a tool for empowering Somali citizens, emphasizing that such access is not only fundamental for promoting social equity but also essential for strengthening democratic governance in a country striving to rebuild itself after decades of conflict.

“In accordance with the African Union (AU) Model Law on Access to Information and our Provisional Constitution, my government is resolutely pursuing legislation that ensures the accessibility of information for every Somali,” Barre said. He stressed that this legislation aims to simplify processes, making it easier for citizens to obtain vital information that affects their lives.

He also articulated a vision of an inclusive society where every voice matters and every citizen has a role in decision-making. “By embedding access to information within public sector operations, we empower our citizens to contribute meaningfully to our nation’s progress,” he noted, emphasizing the importance of responsive governance that listens to the needs and aspirations of the populace.

Barre’s government is actively working to foster a culture of openness, seeking to engage comprehensively with media, civil society organizations, and the broader citizenry. This engagement is aimed at promoting the ideals of inclusiveness and transparency as Somalia moves toward a more informed and participatory governance model.

“The journey toward a more participatory Somalia is not a solitary endeavor; it requires the collaboration of all stakeholders,” he remarked, calling for a collective effort to ensure that every citizen feels empowered to partake in shaping their future.

The commemoration serves as a reminder of the transformative potential of information access. It underlines the Somalia’s government’s recognition that in an age of information, the ability to freely access, share, and utilize knowledge is paramount to building a resilient democracy.

As Somalia navigates its path to recovery and development, Prime Minister Barre’s pledges resonate with hope for a brighter, more inclusive future, where every Somali has the opportunity to be informed, engaged, and heard.


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