Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre Visits Troops in Jubbaland, Pledges Rewards


KISMAYO, Somalia — Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre visited the Danab commandos in Jubbaland on Wednesday, offering encouragement and praise for their crucial role in the regional fight against Al-Shabaab.


During his visit, the Prime Minister lauded the Danab forces for their sacrifices in defending the country and pledged continued government support. He emphasized the commitment to providing the forces with modern equipment and training to enhance their operational capabilities.

“You are the backbone of our defense against terrorism,” Prime Minister Barre said. “The government will spare no effort in ensuring you have the tools and training you need to succeed in your mission.”

The Prime Minister also highlighted the importance of strengthening cooperation between the Danab commandos and Jubbaland forces to ensure lasting peace and stability in the region. He called for unity among all segments of Somali society in the fight against terrorism, aiming for a peaceful and prosperous Somalia.

Accompanying the Prime Minister was the President of Jubbaland State Ahmed Mohamed Islam, the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Security, and the Commander of the Somali Armed Forces.

The visit comes at a time of heightened tensions in the region, with the government stepping up its efforts to combat terrorism and enhance security.

The Danab commandos, a special operations unit of the Somali National Army, have been instrumental in these efforts, playing a key role in counter-terrorism operations across the country.

The Prime Minister’s visit is seen as a significant boost to the morale of the Danab forces, and a clear signal of the government’s commitment to supporting their efforts in the fight against terrorism.


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