Puntland says Bosaso Airport Remains Fully Operational Amidst Security Tensions


BOSASO, Somalia – Recent developments in Puntland have seen Bosaso Airport continue its operations without disruption, despite earlier warnings from the Puntland Security Forces (PSF).

The PSF had issued a stern warning to airlines and residents, citing a dispute over airport management and security concerns. However, as of today, the airport has maintained its full operational status, with flights landing and departing as scheduled.

The Puntland Ministry of Civil Aviation and Airports has reassured the public and international partners that Bosaso Airport remains secure. This statement comes in the wake of threats from the PSF, which had previously accused the airport administration of restricting access, particularly for wounded soldiers, and transforming the airport into a military base.

Despite these tensions, the Minister of Civil Aviation emphasized the safety and operational integrity of the airport, pointing out that international flights, including those from Daallo Airlines and Ethiopian Airlines, have continued without incident.

This was further evidenced by the successful landings of UAE-owned planes at the airport, indicating that the PSF’s threats have not materialized into significant security breaches affecting airport operations.

The situation underscores the ongoing power dynamics within Puntland, where the PSF’s actions have been interpreted by some as an attempt to exert pressure on the regional government. However, the government’s ability to maintain airport operations suggests a level of control and stability, at least in terms of civil aviation security.

Local and international observers are closely monitoring the situation, concerned about the broader implications for security and economic stability in the region. The continuation of normal flight operations at Bosaso Airport is seen as a positive sign, potentially mitigating the economic impact feared by the PSF’s warnings.

This development highlights the complex interplay between security forces, governance, and civilian infrastructure in Puntland, with Bosaso Airport standing as a symbol of resilience amidst internal political strife.


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