Somalia: SoDMA boss pays Visit to the Italian Civil Protection


MOGADISHU, Somalia – SoDMA Commissioner Mohamud Moallim led a delegation to the headquarters of the Italian Civil Protection Department.


The visit was as diverse as a buffet at an international food festival, covering everything from national to regional to municipal levels.

The delegation’s first stop was the Italian Civil Protection Operations Centre, where they were probably greeted by a scene straight out of a disaster movie, minus the actual disaster. Here, they discussed the importance of effective preparedness and coordination in response to national emergencies. It’s like preparing for a surprise birthday party, but instead of balloons and cake, it’s about saving lives and protecting property.

Next on the agenda was a visit to the Italian Civil Protection Department itself. Imagine walking into a place where the coffee is as strong as the commitment to public safety. The delegation was probably given a tour that would make even the most seasoned tourist jealous.

They learned about the department’s structure, operations, and how they manage to keep Italy safe from natural disasters and other emergencies. It’s like getting a backstage pass to a superhero headquarters.

The visit also included a meeting with high-level representatives of the Executive Committee on Security Sector Reform (SSR). This was likely a serious discussion, but let’s imagine it was like a group of superheroes discussing how to save the world. They talked about the fight against organized crime, corruption, drugs, and cybercrime. It’s like a real-life version of the Avengers, but with more paperwork and fewer capes.

Overall, the visit was a diplomatic triumph, showcasing the importance of international cooperation in ensuring public safety and security. It was a meeting of minds, a clash of cultures, and a celebration of human resilience. It’s like a UN conference, but with more Italian espresso and less bureaucracy.

The delegation left the Italian Civil Protection Department with a newfound appreciation for the complexities of disaster management and a promise to continue working together for a safer world.

It was a visit that will be remembered, not just for its diplomatic significance, but also for the humor and wit that accompanied it. After all, even superheroes need a good laugh.


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