Somali Army Commander Visits Italy, Discusses Strengthening Cooperation


Rome, Italy – The commander of the Somali National Army, General Ibrahim Sheikh Muhyadin, recently visited Italy, where he was accompanied by the commander of the Italian government, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone.


The visit was marked by a well-organized event, during which the Somali army commander and the Italian military commander discussed ways to strengthen cooperation between the two nations.

During the event, the delegation led by the Commander of the Somali National Army, General Ibrahim Sheikh Muhuddin, was attended by the Commander of the Italian Military, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone. The two sides discussed the importance of collaboration in various areas, including military training, intelligence sharing, and joint operations.

Following the event, the Commander of the Armed Forces, Ibrahim Sheikh Muhuddin, and the Commander in Chief of the Italian Armed Forces, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo, held a meeting to discuss the reform of the Somali Armed Forces.

The Italian government pledged its full support to the reform process, emphasizing the importance of modernizing and strengthening the Somali military to ensure security and stability in the region.

The visit by the Somali army commander to Italy underscores the growing relationship between the two countries and their commitment to working together to address common security challenges.

The discussions held during the visit are expected to pave the way for increased cooperation and collaboration between the Somali and Italian armed forces in the future.

As the security situation in Somalia continues to evolve, the support of international partners like Italy is crucial in helping the Somali government build a strong and capable military force capable of maintaining peace and stability in the country.

The discussions held during the visit are a positive step towards achieving this goal and fostering a more secure and prosperous future for Somalia.


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