Somali Central Prison Chief Suspended After Jailbreak Attempt


MOGADISHU, Somalia – Brigadier General Dahir Abdulle Rageh, the chief of Somalia’s central prison, has been suspended from his position. The suspension comes in the wake of a daring jailbreak attempt by militant inmates on July 13.


The Somali government has taken swift action in response to the incident, appointing an eight-member committee to investigate the matter. Leading the investigation is Gen. Mohamed Hussein Ahmed, who will serve as the acting prison chief in the interim.

The jailbreak attempt has raised serious concerns about the security measures in place at the central prison. Authorities are determined to uncover the circumstances that allowed the inmates to carry out their plan, as well as any potential lapses in security protocols.

The investigation is expected to shed light on the events leading up to the jailbreak attempt and identify any individuals who may have been involved or complicit in the plot.

The government is committed to ensuring that such incidents do not occur in the future and that the security of the prison is reinforced.

As the investigation unfolds, the Somali people and international observers are watching closely to see the outcome and any potential reforms that may be implemented as a result.

The safety and security of the prison system are paramount, and the government is determined to take all necessary steps to prevent similar incidents from happening again.


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