Somali Delegation Joins 36th Union of Arab Parliaments Session in Algeria to Foster Regional Collaboration


MOGADISHU, Somalia – A delegation from Somalia, led by MP Saeed Mohamed Mohamud, a member of the Executive Committee of the Union of Arab Parliaments, has arrived in Algeria to participate in the 36th session of the Union of Arab Parliaments.


This significant gathering, hosted by the Algerian government, aims to foster collaboration and strengthen relationships among Arab nations.

MP Saeed Mohamed Mohamud, along with the rest of the Somali delegation, will join representatives from various Arab countries to discuss a range of important topics and issues affecting the region. The conference provides a platform for Arab parliaments to exchange ideas, coordinate activities, and promote unity among member states.

The 36th session of the Union of Arab Parliaments is set to take place in Algeria from May 26-27, 2024. This event is a testament to the ongoing commitment of Arab nations to work together for the betterment of the region and its people.

During the conference, participants will engage in discussions on various topics, including regional security, economic cooperation, and cultural exchange. The aim is to enhance the exchange between Arab Parliaments, coordinate the activities of member parliaments in international arenas, and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood among Arab countries.

The Somali delegation’s participation in the 36th session of the Union of Arab Parliaments underscores the country’s dedication to regional cooperation and its active role in promoting peace, stability, and development in the Arab world. As the conference unfolds, it is expected that the delegates will contribute to the formulation of strategies and policies that will benefit not only Somalia but also the entire Arab region.

In conclusion, the Somali delegation’s arrival in Algeria to participate in the 36th session of the Union of Arab Parliaments is a significant step towards fostering unity and collaboration among Arab nations. The conference provides a unique opportunity for representatives from Somalia and other Arab countries to come together, share ideas, and work towards a brighter future for the region.


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