Somali Disaster Management Agency Engages with Saudi Ambassador on Aid Delivery


MOGADISHU, Somalia — The Commissioner of the Somali Disaster Management Agency (SoDMA), Mohmaud Mo’allin Abdulle, held a strategic meeting today with the Somali Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Aweys Haji, at the National Emergency Operations Center (NEOC).


The meeting focused on expediting the delivery of pledged aid from the King Salman Center and the Saudi Fund.

During the discussions, both parties reviewed the status of commitments made by Saudi Arabia, which include the construction of regional emergency centers, water wells, and aid storage facilities, as well as the provision of medical equipment, fire engines, and ambulances.

Although some of these projects have been approved, their implementation has yet to commence, prompting the need for diplomatic intervention to ensure timely delivery.

Commissioner Abdulle emphasized the importance of these resources in bolstering Somalia’s disaster response mechanisms and supporting broader development initiatives. “We are keen on seeing these projects come to fruition as they are crucial for enhancing our capabilities in managing and responding to disasters,” he stated.

Ambassador Haji assured that the embassy would work diligently with the relevant Saudi authorities to accelerate the process. “We understand the urgency of these projects for Somalia, and we are committed to facilitating their swift delivery,” he added.

The meeting underscores the ongoing cooperation between Somalia and Saudi Arabia, highlighting the diplomatic efforts to translate promises into tangible aid on the ground, aimed at improving disaster management and overall resilience in Somalia.


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