Somali Military and Police Chiefs Visit Injured Soldiers in Mogadishu Hospital


MOGADISHU, Somalia – Somali military and police chiefs on Tuesday visited soldiers injured in a fierce battle against Al-Shabaab militants near Kismayo, which resulted in significant losses for the group.


General Ibrahim Sheikh Muhuddin, Commander of the Somali National Army, and Sulub Ahmad Firin, Commander of the Somali Police Force, went to Medina Hospital in Mogadishu where the injured soldiers are being treated.

During their visit, the two commanders praised the bravery and achievements of the Somali military and allied forces in recent battles in Bulo-Haji and Harboole. They wished the wounded soldiers a speedy recovery.

The government forces and the Jubbaland Dervishes emerged victorious in yesterday’s battles, successfully defending previously occupied areas from Al-Shabaab attacks.

The visit underscores the government’s commitment to supporting its troops and recognizing their sacrifices in the fight against terrorism.


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