Somali Minister Attends Conference on Combating Terrorism in Saudi Arabia


MOGADISHU, Somalia — The Minister of Religious Affairs and Endowment, Mukhtar Robow, attended the 9th Conference of Ministries of Endowment and Religious Affairs in the Muslim World in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.


The conference, organized by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, focused on ways Muslim countries can cooperate and support each other in the fight against terrorism.

“I would like to thank the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for organizing this very valuable conference for us, and I hope that the results will be implemented,” said Robow.

The Minister emphasized the need for joint efforts to combat extremist ideologies, which are used by terrorists to justify their violence. He called for a united front against these ideologies and stressed the importance of monitoring their activities.

“To prevent extremist thinking, it is necessary to cooperate with all Ministries of Religious Affairs, and keep an eye on the ongoing activities,” said Robow.

The conference provided a platform for the exchange of ideas and strategies to address the challenges posed by terrorism in the Muslim world. The participation of the Somali Minister of Religious Affairs and Endowment highlights the importance of global cooperation in combating this threat.

The Somali government has been actively working to counter extremism and promote religious tolerance within the country. The participation of Minister Robow in the conference demonstrates the government’s commitment to addressing these issues on a global scale.


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