Somali Minister Visits Somali Community in Columbus, Ohio, U.S.


WASHINGTON – Ahmed Moallim Fiqi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somalia, and his delegation arrived in Columbus, Ohio, United States. The purpose of their visit was to meet with the Somali community residing in Ohio.


Hundreds of Somali community members gathered at the venue where the Minister’s welcome ceremony was held. The event was filled with enthusiasm and hope as the attendees expressed their desire for change in their home country.

Many of them spoke about the need for the diaspora to return to a peaceful and stable Somalia.

During the meeting, Minister Fiqi provided updates on the current situation in Somalia and encouraged the Somali diaspora in the United States to actively participate in the country’s politics and development.

He emphasized the importance of their involvement in shaping the future of Somalia.

The visit by Minister Fiqi and his delegation served as a significant opportunity for the Somali community in Ohio to engage directly with their government and voice their concerns and aspirations.

It also highlighted the Somali government’s commitment to fostering a strong relationship with its diaspora and harnessing their potential to contribute to the nation’s progress.

The event concluded with a renewed sense of hope and determination among the Somali community in Ohio, as they look forward to a brighter future for their homeland.


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