Somali PM and UN Special Representative Discuss Enhanced Collaboration for Somalia


MOGADISHU, Somalia – In a significant diplomatic engagement, the Prime Minister of Somalia, Hamza Abdi Barre, recently met with James Swan, the acting United Nations Special Representative for Somalia.


The primary focus of their meeting was to strengthen collaboration between the United Nations and Somalia, with particular emphasis on enhancing joint efforts in humanitarian initiatives and advancing stability in regions liberated from Kharijites.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Abdi Barre expressed his gratitude towards the UN for its unwavering support to Somalia. He underscored the importance of collaborative work in humanitarian activities and the need to foster stability in areas that have been freed from the influence of Kharijites.

The Prime Minister’s remarks highlighted the critical role of international cooperation in addressing the humanitarian challenges facing Somalia and in ensuring peace and security in the country.

On his part, James Swan, the acting United Nations Special Representative for Somalia, expressed his appreciation for the warm reception he received. He reiterated the United Nations’ commitment to supporting the Somali government in alignment with its national priorities.

Swan’s comments underscored the UN’s continued dedication to working closely with Somalia to achieve its national goals and address its humanitarian and security challenges.

The meeting between the Somali Prime Minister and the UN Special Representative signifies the importance of international cooperation in addressing the complex challenges facing Somalia.

It also demonstrates the UN’s ongoing support for Somalia’s efforts to achieve peace, stability, and development. As Somalia continues its journey towards national recovery and development, such collaborations are crucial in ensuring the country’s progress and the well-being of its people.


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