Somali PM inspects TURKSOM Military Training Center in Mogadishu


MOGADISHU, Somalia – The prime minister of Somalia  Hamza Abdi Barre inspected the TurkSom military training camp, where he met officers and NCOs from the Gorgor Brigade.


The PM saluted their dedication, discipline, and valor as they prepared to serve their country in times of need. Gorgor made the backbone of the SNA in the war on Al-Shabaab.

In 2017, Turkey set up its biggest overseas military base in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, increasing Ankara’s presence in the Horn of Africa country.

The major base, which reportedly cost $50m, will train 10,000 Somali troops and has the capacity to train at least 1,500 soldiers at a time, according to Turkish and Somali officials.

Turkey has been a strong ally in Somalia’s state building, but it also seeks mutually lucrative interests with the fragile state.

Ankara has been increasing its foothold in the strategic country with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visiting the Horn of Africa country twice since 2011.

Turkey has built schools, hospitals, and roads in the country and continues to send humanitarian aid to Somalia. Mogadishu is grateful to Ankara for its unwevering help.


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