Somali President Hassan Sheikh Engages with Somali Community in Nairobi


NAIROBI, Kenya – In a recent visit to Nairobi, Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud spent time with the Somali community in the Isli neighborhood, visiting local markets and engaging with Somali citizens.


During his visit, the President shared valuable information about investment opportunities, security recovery, and the progress made in Somalia, encouraging the Somali community to comply with the laws of the countries they reside in.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was in Nairobi to attend an international conference on financial issues in the Horn of Africa. This visit provided an opportunity for the President to connect with the Somali community living in Nairobi and to share his vision for a more prosperous and secure Somalia.

During his visit to the markets, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud met with local businessmen, discussing the potential for investment in Somalia. He highlighted the progress made in the country’s security situation and emphasized the importance of compliance with local laws for the Somali community living abroad.

The Somali President’s visit to Nairobi and his engagement with the Somali community in the Isli neighborhood demonstrates his commitment to fostering a strong relationship between Somalia and its diaspora.

By sharing information about investment opportunities and the progress made in Somalia, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud aims to encourage the Somali community to contribute to the country’s development and maintain a positive relationship with the host countries.

In conclusion, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud’s visit to the Isli neighborhood in Nairobi and his interaction with the Somali community showcases his dedication to strengthening ties with the Somali diaspora and promoting investment and development in Somalia.

Through his engagement, the President aims to inspire the Somali community to support their home country while respecting the laws of their host nations.


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