Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud Addresses National Challenges


MOGADISHU, Somalia – In his Saturday address to the nation, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of Somalia tackled several critical issues that have been at the forefront of public and international attention:


– **Tuk-Tuk Driver Protests**: The streets of Mogadishu have seen significant unrest from Tuk-tuk drivers protesting against a hike in license fees. This increase, aimed at generating revenue for the city, has instead sparked widespread dissatisfaction among drivers who argue that it unfairly burdens their already meager earnings. President Mohamud acknowledged the protests, indicating a review of the fee structure might be in order to balance economic needs with the livelihoods of the drivers.

– **Ethiopia-Somaliland Sea Access Deal**: The failed Turkey-brokered talks between Somalia and Ethiopia regarding an agreement that would grant Ethiopia access to the sea through Somaliland have been a point of contention. President Mohamud expressed his government’s rejection of the deal, emphasizing Somalia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. He highlighted ongoing dialogues with Somaliland, aimed at resolving issues through mutual agreement rather than unilateral actions that could be seen as undermining Somalia’s unity.

**Implementation of a 5% Sales Tax**: The introduction of a new sales tax has been met with mixed reactions. While the government sees it as a necessary step towards financial autonomy and service improvement, the public has concerns over its impact on the cost of living. Mohamud defended the tax as a measure to fund essential services, promising transparency in its application and benefits.

– **Popular Vote and Electoral Reforms**: Discussions around implementing a popular vote system have been ongoing, reflecting a broader push towards democratic governance. The President spoke of the importance of electoral reforms, ensuring that the process would be fair, transparent, and inclusive, aiming to strengthen Somalia’s democratic institutions.

– **War on Al-Shabaab**: Perhaps the most critical issue, President Mohamud reiterated his commitment to defeating Al-Shabaab, an al-Qaeda-linked group that has plagued Somalia with violence and instability. He outlined a military offensive, which he believes could significantly weaken or eliminate the group within the next few months, although skepticism exists among security analysts regarding the timeline.

The address was not just a recount of policies but also a call for national unity and resilience. Mohamud’s speech reflected on the challenges of governance in a country recovering from decades of conflict, where every policy decision has immediate and profound impacts on the populace.


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