Somali Religious Scholar Sheikh Osman Hiddig Passes Away at 82


MOGADISHU, Somalia  – Sheikh Osman Sheikh Omar, widely known as “Sheikh Osman Hiddig,” a prominent scholar and educator within the Somali Muslim community, passed away early Saturday in Mogadishu at the age of 82.


Born in El-Dheer, Galgudud region, Sheikh Osman Hiddig was a leading figure in the Somali religious organization, the Council of Somali Religious Scholars (Al-Majlis al-Islami al-Somali), commonly known as the Somali Religious Council. H

e was also a key member of the moderate Islamic group, the Somali Ahlu Sunna wal Jama’a (SNAJ), which advocates for peaceful coexistence and the promotion of moderate Islamic values.

Throughout his life, Sheikh Osman Hiddig played a significant role in establishing and managing religious education centers in Mogadishu and his hometown of El-Dheer. His teachings were centered on the principles of peace, tolerance, and understanding, earning him respect and admiration from many in the Somali community.

The news of Sheikh Osman Hiddig’s passing has brought a wave of grief among his followers and the Somali community at large.

His funeral is scheduled to take place in Kaaraan district, Mogadishu, where he will be laid to rest, according to his family. Somali president Hassan Sheikh consoled over his death.

As the Somali community mourns the loss of a revered religious leader, Sheikh Osman Hiddig’s legacy of promoting peace, education, and understanding will undoubtedly continue to inspire generations to come.


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