Somalia and China Strengthen Defense Ties in Mogadishu Meeting


MOGADISHU, Somalia — Somalia’s Minister of Defense, Abdulkadir Mohamed Nur, met with China’s Ambassador to Somalia, Wang Yu, in Mogadishu on Monday to enhance bilateral relations and discuss China’s role in supporting Somalia’s government reconstruction, with a focus on bolstering defense capabilities.


During the meeting, Ambassador Wang praised the Somali government and its citizens for their strides in liberation, rebuilding efforts, and the restoration of national trust. He highlighted China’s commitment to supporting Somalia’s journey towards stability and self-sufficiency.

Minister Abdulkadir Mohamed Nur expressed his appreciation for China’s ongoing assistance, emphasizing the importance of this partnership in strengthening Somalia’s defense sector and overall national reconstruction.

The discussions come at a critical time as Somalia continues to face security challenges and works towards rebuilding its infrastructure and governance systems post-conflict.

The meeting underscores the growing strategic partnership between Somalia and China, aiming to foster peace and development in the Horn of Africa region.


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