Somalia Arrests Hospital Directors Over Call for VAT exemption for health


MOGADISHU, Somalia — The Somali government has arrested the directors of four major hospitals in Mogadishu for refusing to fully implement a newly imposed 5% sales tax on businesses within the capital, officials confirmed.


The directors from Shaafi, Kalkaal, Somali Sudanese, and Mogadishu Hospital were detained following their public opposition to the value-added tax (VAT) on healthcare services, arguing for an exemption for public health facilities.

Lawmaker Abdirahman Abdirahman Abdishakur reported that the hospital administrators were held for three days before being released after extensive negotiations.

Abdishakur also highlighted the irony that government-run hospitals like Banadir and Martini, which are supposed to offer free services, have started charging patients due to financial constraints, further complicating the healthcare situation in the city.

The arrests have sparked a debate on the balance between fiscal policy and public welfare, especially in a nation where access to healthcare remains a critical issue.


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