Somalia Marks World Humanitarian Day with a Focus on Resilience and Recognition


Mogadishu, Somalia – On the occasion of World Humanitarian Day, Commissioner Mahamuud Moallim of the Somali Disaster Management Agency (SoDMA) delivered a poignant speech at an event held in Mogadishu, highlighting the day’s global significance and its particular resonance in Somalia.


Commissioner Moallim began by acknowledging the day’s purpose, which is not only to celebrate the spirit of humanity but also to honor those who have lost their lives in humanitarian service. “Today, we remember the bravery of those who risk their lives to help others, especially in regions like ours where the need is dire,” he stated.

The Commissioner took the opportunity to reflect on the challenges faced by Somalia, a country frequently battered by droughts, floods, and conflict, which have led to significant displacement and humanitarian crises. “Here in Somalia, our humanitarian workers are not just aid providers; they are the backbone of our community’s resilience,” Moallim added, emphasizing the local impact of global humanitarian efforts.

He praised the work of SoDMA and other local and international NGOs, pointing out their critical role in disaster response, from early warning systems to the distribution of aid. “Our efforts are not just about responding to crises but also about building a future where our communities can withstand these challenges,” Moallim explained, underscoring the importance of sustainable development alongside immediate relief.

The event also served as a platform to call for continued international support. “The global community’s solidarity with Somalia is not just appreciated; it’s essential. We need more than just aid; we need partnerships that help us grow stronger,” the Commissioner urged, inviting more collaboration in capacity building and long-term disaster management strategies.

Commissioner Moallim concluded his speech by paying tribute to the fallen humanitarian workers, including those from SoDMA, who have made the ultimate sacrifice. “Their legacy is one of service and sacrifice, and today, we recommit ourselves to their mission,” he said, as the audience observed a moment of silence in their honor.

The World Humanitarian Day event in Mogadishu was attended by representatives from various NGOs, government officials, and members of the community, all coming together to celebrate the spirit of humanitarianism while addressing the ongoing needs of Somalia’s most vulnerable populations.


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