Somalia Praised for Hajj Service Quality; Ministry Officials Meet Saudi Counterparts


JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia – The Hajj committee of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Federal Republic of Somalia held a meeting today in Makkah with officials from Saudi Arabia.


This meeting comes in the wake of a recent announcement by Saudi authorities that Somalia is among the five countries providing its citizens with the best service for performing the Hajj ritual.

The meeting was convened to discuss the quality of services provided to Somali pilgrims and to explore potential areas for improvement. The Saudi officials commended Somalia for its commitment to ensuring a smooth and spiritually fulfilling Hajj experience for its citizens.

In addition to the meeting, the Hajj committee also visited the living areas of the Somali people who are performing this year’s Hajj. The committee was pleased to observe the high standard of accommodation and facilities provided to the pilgrims.

“We are honored by the recognition from Saudi Arabia and are committed to continuing our efforts to provide the best possible service to our citizens performing the Hajj,” said a spokesperson from the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

The Hajj is an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the holiest city for Muslims. It is a mandatory religious duty for Muslims that must be carried out at least once in their lifetime by all adult Muslims who are physically and financially capable of undertaking the journey and can support their family during their absence.

The recognition from Saudi Arabia is a testament to Somalia’s dedication to its citizens’ spiritual welfare and its commitment to fostering strong international relations. As the Hajj continues, the Ministry of Religious Affairs remains committed to ensuring the safety, comfort, and spiritual fulfillment of all Somali pilgrims.


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