Somalia Takes Lead at COP11 for Marine Conservation

Antananarivo, Madagascar – Somalia has been appointed to a leadership role at the 11th Meeting of the Contracting Parties (COP11) to the Nairobi Convention, signaling its commitment to marine conservation in the Western Indian Ocean.
The event, taking place in Madagascar, underscores Somalia’s growing influence in environmental stewardship.

Somalia’s participation at COP11 is not merely symbolic; the country has been named Vice Chair for Coordination within the bureau assembly.

This position is pivotal for aligning the efforts of member states towards common environmental goals, showcasing Somalia’s dedication to sustainable marine management.

The Nairobi Convention, established in 1985, promotes cooperation among Indian Ocean countries for the protection and development of marine environments. Somalia’s involvement highlights:

Somalia’s leadership role at COP11 exemplifies the Nairobi Convention’s spirit of collaboration.

Somalia’s involvement at COP11 goes beyond diplomatic engagement, representing a commitment to future generations. The focus on marine conservation aims at both resource preservation and economic stability through sustainability.

With gratitude towards all stakeholders in the Nairobi Convention, Somalia steps into this role with optimism. The collective efforts are paving the way for a sustainable marine environment, where conservation and development coexist.

Despite the challenges ahead, Somalia’s leadership in coordination offers hope for effective marine conservation in the Western Indian Ocean.


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