Somaliland Marks 33rd Anniversary of Sovereignty Restoration with Celebrations


HARGEISA, Somalia  – On May 18, 2024, the Republic of Somaliland celebrated the 33rd anniversary of its decision to withdraw from its union with Somalia in 1991. The day was marked by celebrations, showcasing the region’s resilience and determination to forge its own path towards peace, freedom, and prosperity.


The festivities included a wide range of cultural events, parades, and traditional dances that highlighted the rich heritage and unity of the Somaliland people. The celebrations also served as a reminder of the challenges overcome and the progress achieved in the pursuit of sovereignty.

In Hargeisa, the capital city, thousands of people from all sectors of society, including government and opposition leaders, gathered to participate in the main parade. This display of unity and solidarity underscored Somaliland’s commitment to maintaining peace and stability in the face of adversity.

Somaliland’s journey towards sovereignty has been characterized by its dedication to democratic governance, as demonstrated by its consistent practice of holding free and fair elections. This commitment has led to smooth transfers of power and fostered a political culture rooted in transparency and accountability.

The anniversary celebrations also highlighted the significant role of women in Somaliland’s progress and their contributions to the nation’s development. The private sector’s active participation in the festivities further emphasized the nation’s commitment to progress and development.

While Somaliland continues to seek international recognition, it remains steadfast in its dedication to maintaining peace, security, and prosperity for its citizens and the region at large. The region’s quest for sovereignty serves as a testament to the resilience and determination of its people, as they look towards the future with hope and aspiration.

The 33rd anniversary of sovereignty restoration serves as a reminder of the courage and perseverance that have defined the country’s journey, and a testament to the bright future that lies ahead.


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