Turkey Set to Begin Oil Exploration in Somali Waters by Early 2025 – minister


MOGADISHU, Somalia – In a significant stride towards economic self-sufficiency, the Somali government has announced that it is on the brink of commencing oil exploration, thanks to a strategic partnership with Turkey.


Abdirsaaq Omar Mohamed, Somalia’s Minister of Petroleum and Minerals, disclosed that a Turkish exploration vessel is set to arrive in Somali waters by September to perform the final surveys before drilling operations begin.

The agreement with Turkey, which was formalized earlier this year, aims at exploring both onshore and offshore hydrocarbon reserves in Somalia, a region largely untapped since the early 1990s due to political instability. This move not only signifies a return to stability but also an ambition to transform Somalia into an energy exporter.

Dr. Mohamed, during a press briefing in Mogadishu, expressed optimism about the project’s timeline, stating, “We are looking at early 2025 for the official start of oil drilling. This is not just about oil; it’s about empowering Somalia economically and ensuring our people benefit directly from our natural resources.”

The partnership extends beyond mere exploration. Turkey, in addition to providing the technical expertise and equipment, has also committed to a defense agreement that includes naval protection of Somali waters, ensuring the safety of the exploration operations against piracy and other threats. This military cooperation has been a point of discussion on platforms like X, where users have debated the implications of such a deep strategic alliance.

Moreover, Somalia is poised to join the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a move that Dr. Mohamed believes will further enhance the country’s energy sector capabilities. “Joining the IAEA will open doors to nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, potentially revolutionizing our energy landscape,” he added.

The sentiment on X regarding this development has been mixed. While some users like @AbdiqaniMuze question the governance and control over national resources, others like @Pundit_Murcood see it as a necessary step for national defense and economic growth, especially in light of regional geopolitical tensions involving Ethiopia and Somaliland.

This collaboration with Turkey is part of a broader trend where Somalia seeks to leverage its strategic position in the Horn of Africa for economic gain. Turkey’s involvement, which includes managing key infrastructure like Mogadishu’s airport and port, has been both praised for its developmental impact and criticized for its opacity and potential long-term implications on Somali sovereignty.

As Somalia gears up for this new chapter, the eyes of the world, and especially its neighbors, are keenly watching. The successful extraction and commercialization of oil could not only stabilize Somalia’s economy but also shift the balance of power in the region. However, the journey from exploration to production is fraught with challenges, including environmental concerns, local community impacts, and the ever-present threat of regional instability.

The forthcoming months will be crucial as Somalia navigates this path, balancing economic aspirations with the need for sustainable and equitable resource management. The partnership with Turkey, while promising, also underscores the complex web of international relations and economic dependencies that Somalia must manage as it seeks to rise from its tumultuous past.

This article captures the essence of Somalia’s current endeavors in oil exploration, reflecting both the government’s announcements and the broader implications discussed across various platforms, including X.


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