UN security council to hold meeting on Somalia


NEW  YORK – On Monday morning (24 June), the Security Council will convene for an open briefing, followed by closed consultations, on the situation in Somalia.


The anticipated briefers are Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) James Swan and Special Representative of the AU Commission Chairperson (SRCC) for Somalia and Head of the AU Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) Mohamed El-Amine Souef. Somalia is expected to participate under rule 37 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure.

Monday’s meeting will be the first time that Swan—who has previously served as SRSG for Somalia between 2019 and 2022—briefs Council members after assuming his role in May.

He is expected to describe the latest political, economic, and security developments in Somalia based on the Secretary-General’s most recent report on UNSOM, which was published on 3 June and covers the period from 25 January to 25 May.

On 30 March, Somalia’s bicameral Federal Parliament approved amendments to the first four chapters of the provisional constitution.

These amendments, among other things, introduced a one-person and one-vote election system, replacing the clan-based formula traditionally used to organise elections, and provided for direct presidential elections.

On 6 June, the UN General Assembly elected Somalia as a non-permanent member of the Security Council for 2025-26, representing the eastern Africa region.

Security Council report


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