US Africa Command Denies Involvement in Puntland Operation


Nairobi, Kenya – In a surprising turn of events, the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) has publicly stated that it was not involved in a recent operation in the Almadow mountains of Puntland State, Somalia.


This statement comes in direct contradiction to claims made by the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) regarding an alleged joint operation with its international partners against Al-Shabaab militants.

The FGS had earlier announced a successful operation in the Almadow mountains that resulted in the elimination of over 20 Al-Shabaab terrorists, including three key leaders. However, the Puntland administration has since rejected these claims, stating there was no proof of such an operation.

Adding to the confusion, the information minister for the regional administration of Puntland confirmed reports of “explosions” but could not confirm the source or the nature of these explosions. This ambiguity has led to a flurry of speculation and conflicting reports in the media.

The US Africa Command’s statement categorically denies the claims made by the FGS regarding an alleged operation in the Almadow areas of Puntland. This denial has raised questions about the FGS’s credibility and the nature of its relationship with its international partners.

Puntland’s position reflects its long-standing commitment to safeguarding its interests and maintaining control over its territory. The region has been a key battleground in the fight against Al-Shabaab, with Puntland Security Forces and international partners conducting numerous operations to eliminate the terrorist group’s presence in the region.

The denial by AFRICOM has left many wondering about the true nature of the operation and the motives behind the FGS’s claims. It also highlights the complex and often opaque nature of international military operations in Somalia, a country that has been plagued by conflict and instability for decades.

As the situation continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how this denial will impact the relationship between the FGS and its international partners, as well as the ongoing fight against Al-Shabaab in Somalia.


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