US Ambassador Meets Somali Minister of Internal Security to Discuss Counter-Terrorism Efforts


MOGADISHU, Somalia – The newly appointed United States Ambassador to Somalia, Richard H. Riley, held a meeting with H.E. Abdullahi Sheikh Ismail Fartaag, the Minister of Internal Security of the Federal Government of Somalia.


The discussions focused on the United States support for the Somali Ministry of Internal Security in its efforts to counter violent extremism and disrupt terrorist financial networks.

Ambassador Riley’s visit underscores the strong commitment of the United States to support Somalia in its fight against terrorism and to enhance the security and stability of the region.

The meeting was part of ongoing efforts to strengthen bilateral relations and cooperation between the United States and Somalia, particularly in the areas of security and counter-terrorism.

During the meeting, Ambassador Riley and Minister Fartaag discussed the shared priorities of the two nations, including the need to address the ongoing challenges posed by violent extremist groups in Somalia.

They also reviewed the recent security developments and the growing support from the United States for the Somali security forces.

The discussions also covered the importance of disrupting terrorist financial networks, which play a crucial role in funding and sustaining extremist activities. The United States has been actively working with Somali authorities to enhance their capabilities in this area, including through training, technical assistance, and information sharing.

Ambassador Riley expressed his appreciation for the warm reception and reiterated the United States’ commitment to supporting Somalia’s efforts towards peace, stability, and development.

He emphasized the importance of the partnership between the two nations in addressing the common challenges they face.

Minister Fartaag, in turn, thanked Ambassador Riley for the United States’ continued support and expressed his government’s commitment to working closely with the United States to achieve shared goals and promote peace, prosperity, and progress in Somalia.

The meeting between Ambassador Riley and Minister Fartaag marks a significant step forward in the ongoing collaboration between the United States and Somalia in the fight against terrorism and extremism.

It demonstrates the strong commitment of both nations to working together to ensure the safety and security of their citizens and to promote stability and prosperity in the region.


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