Women’s Digital Media Skills Training wrapped up in Dhusamareb, Somalia


On May 22, 2021, the Department of Media and Public Relations of the Ministry of Diaspora and Investment Promotion of the Galmudug State of Somalia organized a training workshop in Dhusamareb city, focusing on the role of women in digital media.


The event was implemented by the Galmudug Women in Media Empowerment Network (Galwomen), a local press advocacy organization dedicated to advancing women’s participation in media and public life.

The training aimed to equip women working in the media with the skills necessary to utilize modern media platforms effectively, including social media and other internet sites. Participants were introduced to the latest tools and techniques for content creation, distribution, and engagement, with a particular emphasis on leveraging digital platforms for advocacy and community outreach.

Mr. Yahye Haji Olad, Director of the Department of Media and Public Relations, inaugurated the event and delivered a keynote address. He highlighted the importance of women’s voices in shaping public discourse and emphasized the role of digital media in amplifying their perspectives. Mr. Olad also provided practical tips and guidance to the participants, encouraging them to embrace new technologies and innovative approaches to storytelling.

Throughout the day-long workshop, participants engaged in interactive sessions, hands-on exercises, and group discussions. They explored various aspects of digital media, from creating compelling content and managing online communities to navigating ethical considerations and addressing online harassment.

The event concluded with a certificate presentation ceremony, where participants received recognition for their participation and commitment to advancing women’s roles in digital media. The training was widely regarded as a significant milestone in the region, marking the first of its kind to specifically address the needs and opportunities for women in the digital media landscape.”


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