Jubbaland President Calls for Immediate Ceasefire in Luuq District Conflict


KISMAYO, Somalia – Jubbaland state leader Ahmed Madobe has called for an immediate cessation of hostilities between two rival clan militia forces in the Luuq district in the Gedo region.


In a press release from the president’s office, Madobe instructed the leaders of the Gedo region, Luuq district elders, and various community sections to work towards an official resolution to the conflict in order to prevent further casualties.

President Madobe warned soldiers against participating in the tribal war and threatened strict action against any soldier found to be involved in the conflict. According to residents, at least six people have been killed and more than that number wounded in the fighting.

The conflict in the Luuq district highlights the ongoing challenges faced by the Jubbaland administration in maintaining peace and stability in the region. President Madobe’s call for an immediate ceasefire and his warning to soldiers against participating in the conflict demonstrates his commitment to resolving the issue and preventing further violence.

The involvement of community leaders and elders in the resolution process is a crucial step toward finding a sustainable solution to the conflict. Their understanding of local dynamics and their ability to mediate between conflicting parties can help to de-escalate tensions and promote reconciliation.

As the situation in the Luuq district continues to unfold, it is essential for all parties involved to prioritize the safety and well-being of the affected communities. The Jubbaland administration must work diligently to address the root causes of the conflict and implement measures to prevent future outbreaks of violence.

The international community also has a role to play in supporting the efforts of the Jubbaland administration to maintain peace and stability in the region. Through diplomatic channels and humanitarian assistance, the international community can help to create an environment conducive to peaceful resolution and long-term development.

In conclusion, the call for an immediate ceasefire by President Ahmed Mohamed Islam Madobe is a significant step towards ending the violence in the Luuq district. However, sustained efforts by all stakeholders are required to address the underlying issues and prevent further bloodshed.

The people of the Luuq district deserve peace, security, and the opportunity to rebuild their lives free from the threat of violence.


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