Mogadishu Expands as President Recognizes Three New Districts


MOGADISHU, Somalia – Mogadishu, the bustling capital of Somalia, is set to expand as President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud issues a decree recognizing three new districts in the Banadir region.


This strategic move is part of the government’s efforts to better manage the city’s rapid growth and development.

The newly recognized districts, Gubadley, Darussalam, and Garasbaaley, will now be annexed into the capital, bringing the total number of districts in the region to 20. This expansion is a significant milestone in Mogadishu’s history, as it reflects the city’s growth and the government’s commitment to improving urban planning and governance.

President Mohamud’s decree follows a high-level meeting at the Banadir municipality headquarters, attended by Ministers, MPs, and other government officials. The decision to recognize these districts was made after they fulfilled the necessary requirements for confirmation.

The expansion of Mogadishu is a testament to the city’s resilience and the government’s determination to address the challenges of urbanization. With a population of approximately 2.5 million, Mogadishu is one of the fastest-growing cities in Africa.

The city has experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by an influx of people from rural areas and the return of Somalis from the diaspora.

The recognition of these new districts is expected to have a positive impact on the city’s development, as it will enable the government to better allocate resources and provide essential services to its residents.

The move is also likely to boost investment in the city, as it demonstrates the government’s commitment to improving the business environment and promoting economic growth.

As Mogadishu continues to expand, the government will need to address the challenges of urban growth, such as ensuring access to basic services, improving infrastructure, and managing environmental concerns.

The recognition of these new districts is a step in the right direction, and it is hoped that it will pave the way for a more prosperous and sustainable future for the city and its residents.


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