PMPF conquers control of Puntland parliament amid electoral tension


GAROWE, Somalia – UAE-trained elite maritime troops took over the Puntland parliament building in Garowe last night ahead of a meeting on the troubled election process.


The PMPF carrying military vehicles are seen at the parliament building on Sunday morning, raising the already brewing political and electoral tension in Puntland state.

The reports from Garowe indicated that the PMPF raided the parliament acting on the order of Deni, whose term as Puntland President is ending next month, after five years of service.

The move is based on the controversial electoral resolution committee and vetting of the candidates vying for members of parliament, which was appointed by the state President.

The Speaker of the Puntland Parliament, Abdirashid Yusuf Jabril, and members of parliament are insisting on a one-year extension period which they have passed, despite the constitutional court canceling it.

According to the sources, the Speaker of the Parliament and members of the opposition are expected to accuse President Deni of hijacking the parliament headquarters, while the MPs were busy completing the remaining tasks such as approving the budget.

However, as the election is only a few days away, it is feared that there will be a delay, due to the dispute in the election.


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