Somalia takes over the security of the Presidency and the Parliament after 16 years


MOGADISHU, Somalia – The African Union Mission in Somalia, ATMIS, has announced that it has officially handed over the security of the Presidency and Parliament to the government forces, which is an important step in the transition process.


The Somalia Presidential Guard and specially trained police forces have taken over the security of Villa Somalia Center which has been under the control of the Ugandan forces as part of ATMIS for 16 years. This is symbolic of Somalia’s journey towards self-reliance for national security.

Villa Somalia, the presidential residence in Mogadishu, where the President, the Prime Minister, and the House of Parliament reside, has been guarded by African Union forces since 2007. The takeover of the Somali army shows the growing confidence of the world that Somalia is handling its security issues.

A recent resolution by the United Nations Security Council, which allows the gradual withdrawal of African Union troops from Somalia, is being implemented, and the second phase of the reduction of the ATMIS force, which has been on hold for the past 3 months, will be lifted. 3,000 soldiers in the country on the 31st of this month.

By December 2024, the last ATMIS soldier will leave Somalia, and their positions will be completely taken over by the National Army, according to the transition plan.

The recent lifting of the arms embargo by the United Nations on Somalia further strengthens the government’s confidence in maintaining the country’s security. During the Somalia Security Conference held on Wednesday in New York, the head of ATMIS Ambassador Mohamed El-Amine Souef praised the progress made by the government forces in the fight against Al-Shabaab as an important step in the recovery of the country.

Although there are challenges such as the threat of Al-Shabaab, the Somali government, supported by local militias, is giving great importance to regaining control of many areas.

The tripartite joint commission, consisting of ATMIS, the government of Somalia, and the UN, is tasked with ensuring a peaceful transition and reduction of the African Union Force, while ensuring that the areas are easily vacated by Al-Shabaab. take over.

ATMIS forces are still guarding important places in Mogadishu, including the Aden Adde airport and the main port, which are expected to be transferred soon to the Somali government forces to protect the stability of the country and the security of sensitive areas.


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