Somali Government Claims Victory in Anti-Al-Shabaab Operations


MOGADISHU, Somalia – The Somali government has announced a significant victory in its ongoing battle against the al-Shabaab, reporting the killing of over 70 militants and the injury of 30 others in a follow-up military operation in the Tabar-mooge area, located approximately 28km north of Harardhere town.


The operation was conducted in collaboration with international partners, showcasing the government’s commitment to eliminating the threat posed by the extremist group.

In a statement released to the public, the government detailed the success of the operation, highlighting the significant number of al-Shabaab militants neutralized and the strategic importance of the Tabar-mooge area.

The operation was a follow-up to a previous mission in the nearby Carfuuda village, where targeted militants had reportedly fled from.

Despite the government’s claims of success, no photographic or visual evidence of the casualties has been provided to support the reported numbers. This has led to skepticism among some observers, who question the accuracy of the government’s claims and the effectiveness of the operations.

The Somali government, however, maintains that the operation was a joint effort with international partners, suggesting that there is a level of external verification and support for the reported results.

The government’s continued collaboration with international partners is seen as a positive step in the fight against al-Shabaab, which has been a persistent threat to the stability and security of Somalia and the wider East African region.

As the situation in Somalia continues to evolve, the government’s efforts to combat terrorism and secure the country’s future remain a top priority.

With the support of the international community, the Somali government hopes to maintain its momentum in the fight against al-Shabaab and other extremist groups, ultimately bringing peace and stability to the region.


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