UN Sanctions Three Al-Shabaab Leaders at Request of Somali Government


NEW YORK – In a significant move to combat terrorism, the United Nations Security Council has sanctioned three leaders of the Al-Shabaab militant group following a request from the Somali government.


The decision was made public on May 23, 2024, and targets three individuals identified as key figures in the organization:

1. Abdukadir Ikrima, is a Somali citizen who also holds a Kenyan passport.
2. Mohamed Mohamud Mire.
3. Mohamed Omar Mohamed.

The sanctions involve the freezing of assets and a travel ban, aiming to disrupt the activities of these individuals and the organizations they represent. This action comes as part of the ongoing efforts to improve security and stability in Somalia, a country that has been grappling with terrorism and insurgency for years.

The Somali government has been working closely with international partners, including the United Nations, to combat Al-Shabaab, a group known for its violent attacks and control over parts of the country.

The sanctions are a significant step forward in this ongoing battle, demonstrating the international community’s commitment to supporting Somalia’s efforts to eradicate terrorism.

The UK government, through its mission in Somalia, has also expressed support for these efforts, emphasizing the importance of tackling terrorism for a safer and more secure future for all Somalis.

The move has been welcomed by many, who see it as a necessary step towards peace and stability in the region.

As of now, the impact of these sanctions on Al-Shabaab’s operations and the response from the group remains to be seen. However, this action sends a strong message that the international community stands united against terrorism and is willing to take decisive measures to combat it.


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