Minister Khadija Makhuzumi Honored with Africa Sustainability Outliers Award for Advancing Environmental Sustainability in Somalia


Minister Khadija Makhuzumi, the driving force behind Somalia’s environmental and climate change agenda, has been recognized with the prestigious Africa Sustainability Outliers (AOS) Award in Addis Ababa on Thursday.


This prestigious accolade celebrates her unparalleled dedication and relentless commitment to fostering a sustainable and just climate solutions for Somalia.

Dr. Anyangwe Emmanuel Ngassa, Chair of the Nomination Committee, commended Minister Khadija’s groundbreaking initiatives in enhancing environmental resilience, promoting community development, and spearheading the country’s transition towards a greener landscape. Through her visionary leadership, Minister Khadija has made profound contributions, leaving an indelible impact on the nation, he says.

Given Somalia’s position as one of the most affected and vulnerable nations in the global south, Minister Khadija’s leadership as head of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change holds paramount importance. In her short 15 months in office, she has already made remarkable strides towards addressing climate change and environmental issues.

A crowning achievement has been the launch of the ambitious Great Green Wall initiative, strategically designed to combat deforestation and rejuvenate Somalia’s environment. Through this initiative, Minister Khadija has garnered significant national and international support, positioning Somalia as a role model in tackling ecological challenges.

Minister Khadija’s strategic vision and cohesive approach have united the nation in addressing climate-induced crises. Her historic recognition as the first sitting minister to receive the Africa Sustainability Outliers Award showcases her transformative leadership, prioritizing the well-being and resilience of all Somalis in the face of the daunting climate crisis.

Beyond Somalia’s borders, Minister Khadija’s groundbreaking accomplishments inspire others across Africa to take bold action in environmental conservation and sustainable development. Her unwavering commitment to building a greener tomorrow truly sets her apart as a celebrated environmental champion.

Minister Khadija Makhuzumi’s remarkable journey serves as a beacon of hope, particularly as a female leader in Somalia’s political landscape. Her trailblazing efforts pave the way for a brighter and more sustainable future, leaving an enduring legacy for generations to come.



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